Group leader
Dr. Stefan Düsterhöft
Curriculum vitae (English): CV_eng.pdf
Selected Publications:
[1] Kahveci-Türköz, S., K. Bläsius, J. Wozniak, C. Rinkens, A. Seifert, P. Kasparek, H. Ohm, S. Oltzen, M. Nieszporek, N. Schwarz, A. Babendreyer, C. Preisinger, R. Sedlacek, A. Ludwig and S. Düsterhöft (2023) “A structural model of the iRhom-ADAM17 sheddase complex reveals functional insights into its trafficking and activity.” Cell Mol Life Sci DOI: 10.1007/s00018-023-04783-y.
[2] Niehues, R.V., J. Wozniak, E. Lilienthal, F. Wiersch, N. Tacken, T. Schumertl, C. Garbers, A. Ludwig and S. Düsterhöft (2022). "The collectrin-like part of the SARS-CoV-1 and -2 receptor ACE2 is shed by the metalloproteinases ADAM10 and ADAM17” FASEB J 36:e22234. DOI: 10.1096/fj.202101521R
[3] Düsterhöft, S., S. Kahveci-Turkoz, J. Wozniak, A. Seifert, P. Kasparek, H. Ohm, S. Liu, J. Kopkanova, J. Lokau, C. Garbers, C. Preisinger, R. Sedlacek, M. Freeman and A. Ludwig (2021). "The iRhom homology domain is indispensable for ADAM17-mediated TNFalpha and EGF receptor ligand release." Cell Mol Life Sci 78(11):5015-5040. DOI: 10.1007/s00018-021-03845-3
[4] Düsterhöft, S., A. K. Bartels, T. Koudelka, E. Lilienthal, M. Schäfer, C. Garbers, A. Tholey, J. Grötzinger and I. Lorenzen (2020). "Distance dependent shedding of IL-6R." Biochem Biophys Res Commun 526(2): 355-360. DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2020.03.093
[5] Lorenzen, I., J. Lokau, Y. Korpys, M. Oldefest, C. M. Flynn, U. Künzel, C. Garbers, M. Freeman, J. Grötzinger and S. Düsterhöft (2016). "Control of ADAM17 activity by regulation of its cellular localisation." Sci Rep 6: 35067. DOI: 10.1038/srep35067
[6] Düsterhöft, S., M. Michalek, F. Kordowski, M. Oldefest, A. Sommer, J. Röseler, K. Reiss, J. Grötzinger and I. Lorenzen (2015). "Extracellular Juxtamembrane Segment of ADAM17 Interacts with Membranes and Is Essential for Its Shedding Activity." Biochemistry 54(38): 5791-5801. DOI: 10.1021/acs.biochem.5b00497
[7] Düsterhöft, S., K. Hobel, M. Oldefest, J. Lokau, G. H. Waetzig, A. Chalaris, C. Garbers, J. Scheller, S. Rose-John, I. Lorenzen and J. Grötzinger (2014). "A disintegrin and metalloprotease 17 dynamic interaction sequence, the sweet tooth for the human interleukin 6 receptor." J Biol Chem 289(23): 16336-16348. DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M114.557322
[8] Düsterhöft, S., S. Jung, C. W. Hung, A. Tholey, F. D. Sönnichsen, J. Grötzinger and I. Lorenzen (2013). "Membrane-proximal domain of a disintegrin and metalloprotease-17 represents the putative molecular switch of its shedding activity operated by protein-disulfide isomerase." J Am Chem Soc 135(15): 5776-5781. DOI: 10.1021/ja400340u
[1] Düsterhöft, S., A. Babendreyer, A. A. Giese, C. Flasshove and A. Ludwig (2019). "Status update on iRhom and ADAM17: It's still complicated." Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Res 1866(10): 1567-1583. DOI: 10.1016/j.bbamcr.2019.06.017
[2] Düsterhöft, S., J. Lokau and C. Garbers (2019). "The metalloprotease ADAM17 in inflammation and cancer." Pathol Res Pract 215(6): 152410. DOI: 10.1016/j.prp.2019.04.002
[3] Grötzinger, J., I. Lorenzen and S. Düsterhöft (2017). "Molecular insights into the multilayered regulation of ADAM17: The role of the extracellular region." Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Res 1864(11 Pt B): 2088-2095. DOI: 10.1016/j.bbamcr.2017.05.024
[4] Düsterhöft, S., U. Künzel and M. Freeman (2017). "Rhomboid proteases in human disease: Mechanisms and future prospects." Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Res 1864(11 Pt B): 2200-2209. DOI: 10.1016/j.bbamcr.2017.04.016
ORCID: 0000-0002-6926-136X
Associated Postdoc
Dr. Justyna Wozniak
Master of Mice and Wizard of Statistics
Contact: jwozniak@ukaachen.de
ORCID: 0000-0002-2769-479X
Current Lab Members
Selcan (PhD student)
Analysing the iRhom2-ADAM17 Axis in Lung Inflammations
Katharina (PhD student)
Novel Interaction Partners of iRhom Pseudoproteases
Diandra (Master student)
Novel Interaction Partners of iRhom Pseudoproteases
Florian (med. PhD student)
Functional Consequences of ACE2 Shedding
Rabea (med. PhD student)
Regulation of ADAM-mediated Shedding of ACE2
Maria (med. PhD student)
Regulation of ADAM-mediated Shedding of ACE2
Lena (med. PhD student)
Function of the iRhom N-terminus
Daniel (Master student)
Former Lab Members
Henrike (Master, 2018)
“Characterization of a highly conserved region within the homology domain of the pseudoproteases iRhom1 and iRhom2”
Pascal (Master, 2019)
"Characterisation of the binding between iRhom and ADAM17"
Sarah (Bachelor, 2019)
“In vitro characterisation of the N-terminus of the pseudoprotease iRhom2”
Shixin (Master, 2020)
“The influence of a highly conserved sequence of Pseudoprotease iRhom1 and iRhom2 on ADAM17”
Cindy (Master, 2020)
“Characterisation of the binding between ADAM17 and the pseudoprotease iRhom2 by reactivating the catalytic site”
Magdalena (Bachelor, 2020)
"Analysis of the direct effect of a small molecule drug on ADAM17- and ADAM10-mediated shedding"
Katharina (Master, 2021)
“Novel interaction partners of iRhom pseudoproteases”
Martin (Master, 2021)
“Characterization of the iRhom2/ADAM17 complex localization in iRhom2 mutant cells”
Friederike (med. PhD, 2021)
“Characterization of a highly conserved region within the homology domain of the pseudoproteases iRhom1 and iRhom2”
Anita (Master student; Research internship, 2022)
The influence of syntaxins on the forward trafficking of the ADAM17-iRhom complex
Nikola (Master, 2022)
Analysing N-terminal deletions in iRhom2 constructs in iRhom knock-out cells
Eva (technician)
Analysing the Molecular Shedding Mechanism / Identifying New Substrates
Xintong (Master, 2022)
Cub and TOC mutations in iRhoms
Johanna (Master, 2022)
Regulation of Collectrin and ACE shedding
Laura (Bachelor, 2022)
Novel Interaction Partners of iRhom Pseudoproteases
Christine (Master, 2023)
Determinants of ACE2 Shedding