3D-Print in the Lab

3D printing technology brings many advantages to the lab. After designing an item for the lab and creating the gcode, it can be (mass) produced. Many (simple) lab products can be manufactured this way, significantly cheaper than buying them. An even bigger advantage is the customisability of your lab equipment: you want a rack that is a certain size to hold a certain number of tubes. No problem!

We use mostly environmentally friendly PLA (polylactic acid) as raw material.

PLA is highly inert or resistant to all common solvents used in the laboratory, such as: Ethanol, isopropanol and acetone. This allows easy cleaning and disinfection with harsh disinfectants and cleaning agents. But PLA should not be exposed to temperatures above 60°C. Not autoclavable!

If you are interested in the gcodes of our labware designs, please feel free to contact us.

If you do not have access to a 3D printer, we can print your desired lab item for only a small material and shipping reimbursement. We can also help with the design of a new lab item. We are also able to give you an official invoice for accounting if needed.

 3D-printed Labware

Gloomy Court Gloomy Court

Coverslip Rack

Cleaning, surface-treating and drying of coverslips.

Cost for material: 0.5 €

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